Friday, January 25, 2013

English Class Discussion: Analysis

Discussion: Analysis
  Analysis has been very important part of the lectures we have studied in class. Analysis can be used for so many things; however specifically in this class we have used analysis to examine essays, and to write in our own interpretation what those essays meant to each of us. We have also used analysis to describe styles of writing: bold, mild, painful, humorous; the tone that the author is hoping to achieve. 
  When reading an article, essay, or book; analysis is a useful tool. While analysis can reveal the message within, the underlining meaning; it can also be useful when researching facts. Is this author believable, unbelievable? How does the author’s message relate in direct correlation to me as a person?
  Before critiquing it is always helpful to perform a complete analysis on the topic being written about.  Each person assimilates information differently, and views on a subject may differ. Proper analysis allows the critic to make a well informed critique.
  To have the best chance of success when presenting a proposal, it is always a good idea to do some legwork beforehand. What does the company stand for? What do they do? Projects they have worked on in the past, and are working on currently. Analyzing each one of these questions  will help when presenting a proposal before a chosen company.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

English Assignment: Proposal for Freelancing

Proposal for Freelancing

     NS Interiors is an award winning interior design company. Co-founded in 2001 by Nick Sunderland; NS Interiors has worked with many prestigious clients such as Kate Moss, Boy George, and Lord and Lady Archer. In 2012 NS Interiors won two International Property Awards for outstanding services rendered. As creative director for NS Interiors Nick Sunderland believes “As a professional designer, I like to work closely with clients and advise them on every step of the way. What they think they want might not always be the best for them or the most practical. So we often need to explain our case.” (Sunderland)

   For your consideration, I would like to present the following freelance project “The Moors.”  Located in the heart of London, “The Moors” is a self-sustaining, ecofriendly community. This project is significant because NS Interiors would be involved in the initial developing stages, as well as designing all the interiors for the “pods” or apartments. On site would be a fair trade coffee house, grocery market and community gardens; all designed by NS Interiors. At “The Moors,” posh, upscale living meets consciousness for the environment.

Works Cited:

-“Home Page.” NS Interiors. N.p. 2011. Web. January 18, 2013.

-Gordon, Yvonne. “The Man Who’s Done Interiors for Benazir Bhutto and Advised No 10 Tells Yvonne Gordon Why He Doesn’t Like Trends.” The Wharf. May 2011. Print. 

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Week 3 English Assignment

Let’s Really Reform Our Schools,” by Anita Garland; Class Discussion

  Anita Garland uses strong words to describe her views on school reform “American high schools are in trouble. No, that’s not strong enough. American high schools are disasters. “Good” schools today are only a rite of passage for American kids, where the pressure to look fashionable and act cool outweighs any concern for learning. And “bad” schools—heaven help us—are havens for the vicious and corrupt. There, metal detectors and security guards wage a losing battle against the criminals that prowl the halls. Desperate illnesses require desperate remedies. And our public schools are desperately ill. What is needed is no meek, fainthearted attempt at “curriculum revision” or “student-centered learning.” We need to completely restructure our thinking about what schools are and what we expect of the students who attend them.” (Garland 696)

 Let’s Really Reform Our Schools,” by Anita  Garland is directed at parents, and teachers” Parents would be relieved of the pressure to deal with their offspring’s constant demands for wardrobe additions” (Garland 696) “Once our schools have been returned to the control of teachers and genuine students, we could concentrate on smaller but equally meaningful reforms.” (Garland 696) Some reforms that Garland suggests are “Overhaul the cafeterias! Out with the candy, soda, chips, and fries! In with the salads, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables!” (Garland 696) “Another school-related activity that should get the ax is the fluff-headed, moneyeating, misery-inducing event known as the prom.” (Garland 696) “A good place to start would be requiring students to wear school uniforms” (Garland 696)

 Garland’s closing statement and purpose for writing this article “We have lost track of the purpose of our schools. They are not intended to be centers for fun, entertainment, and social climbing. They are supposed to be institutions for learning and hard work. Let’s institute the changes suggested here—plus dozens more—without apology, and get American schools back to business.” (Garland 696)

 I feel this article carries a strong tone. Garland uses very strong words to describe her point of view. I agree that some of her points are valid; however, there are others that I disagree with. I don’t think schools should implement uniforms. Freedom of expression is important, even if that is with the latest trends. I also do not like the derogatory tone that Garland uses when referring to children. Children are our greatest asset in this world; schools should nurture and guide, and not punish. 

Works Cited

-Garland, Anita. English Skills and Writing. “Let’s Reform Our Schools.” (pg. 696). New York, NY. The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 2008. Print.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

English Assignment: Research and Information Literacy

Research and Information Literacy

Source: Hoh, Rebecca. “Staffan Tollgard.” IDFX Magazine. April 2010. Pg. 99. Print.

How I found it: To find this article I used Google search engine.  I found the home page for Staffan Tollgard Design Group.  When I selected ‘Press’a list of articles in which Staffan Tollgard Design Group is featured showed up. My Boolean string: Staffan AND Tollgard.

Summary: Staffan Tollgard Interior Design Group began in 2005 in a small attic located in west London. Tollgard, creator of Staffan Tollgard Design Group, graduated from the Inchbald School of Design and is Swedish-born. This article discusses many things, such as Staffan Tollgard Design Group’s international Alagarve design studio. Staffan Tollgard Design Group’s new showroom upgrade and the opening of another commercial adventure Redthread.

My Proposal: This article is important to my research, because it demonstrates to the potential client that this design group is not only London-based company. Because Staffan Tollgard Design Group upgraded to a bigger studio room; it hows that they are a growing company. They are successful within  the field of interior design.

Source: Chandler, Barbara. Homes and Property. “A Designer for the London Life.” Evening Standard. March 11, 2009. Pg. 14. Print.

How I found it: To find this article I used AI Online Library. Searched under Program guides. Using ProQuest Central search engine, I typed in Staffan and Tollgard. My Boolean string: Staffan AND Tollgard.

Summary: Discussed in this article is the design style that Staffan Tollgard chose to use in his own private residence. Ten years ago, Tollgard had a background in film before he quit and decided to become an interior designer. Staffan Tollgard is a family owned interior design firm, that employs many interior designers.

My Proposal: Scandinavian and Asian are two styles that Staffan Tollgard fuses together. This is important for the client to know, because maybe this is the style or look the client is after. It lets the client see past projects completed, and gives a sense of what the client’s project may look like after it is completed. It shows the client that the designer implements his own design values into his daily life.

Source: Chandler, Barbara. Homes and Property. “Five Things to See in October.” Evening Standard. October 03, 2012. Pg. 24. Print.

How I found it: To find this article I used AI Online Library. Searched under Program guides. Using ProQuest Central search engine, I typed in Staffan and Tollgard. My Boolean string: Staffan AND Tollgard.

Summary: In October 2012, Staffan Tollgard Design Group participated in the Made in London design fair, showcasing artistic talent across London. For this event, Staffan Tollgard designed three rooms in the Nordic House. Each of the rooms displayed Scandinavian design. 

My Proposal: Why this article is important to my research is because it shows how involved Staffan Tollgard Design Group is in the community. It shows the pride they take in their work, and they take pride in the London community. Knowing this for my proposal is significant, because potential clients will want to  know how Staffan Tollgard Design Group relates, interacts, and how involved they are with the London public.

Source: “About Page”. Staffan Tollgard Design Group. n.d. Web. 12 January 2013.

How I found it: To find this article I used Google search engine.  I found the home page for Staffan Tollgard Design Group. Selected the ‘About Page’. My Boolean string: Staffan AND Tollgard.

Summary: Covered in this article is how Staffan and Tollgard started. It also discusses the finding of the DNA or the Red Thread in a project. Staffan combines both Asian and Scandinavian when developing project designs. Staffan Tollgard Design Group are members of the British Institute of Interior design. They have been mentioned in The Directory of 100 Leading Interior Designers and Andrew-Martin Interior Design Review.

My Proposal: Staffan Tollgard Design Group’s motto is the Scandinavian expression “Find the red thread.” It is the DNA or the common theme that connects, and brings it all together. Staffan and Tollgard is highly acclaimed design firm. They have won such awards as the International Design and Architecture Award 2012, International Property Award(s) 2012, The Sunday Times British Homes Award 2012, Designer Kitchen and Bathroom Award, IDFX Best Design Practice Runner-up, Designer Magazine Best Living Space 2009, Designer Magazine Best New Bathroom Designer 2007.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Intro To Design Applications: Business Card Edit

Three changes I made to my business card were: Changing the font in the middle of the logo. I changed the background of the card to a floral design. I also changed the font at the top of the business card. To change the background, I found a picture on one of the stock image sites. When I placed it into Adobe Illustrator, I had to resize it to fit the business card. Changing the text was a simple as clicking and editing the text. I left my name and address the way it was because I liked the look. I decided to go with all black for the text because I thought it stood out, and looked sharp against the background picture. Overall I am pleased with how it turned out. 
